Rogaine? !!

Likened, befitting the audience, to a treasure hunt, a ramble through the woods, a daylong hiking trip, geocaching with a map, and a travelling-salesman path optimization problem, the sport known as rogaining started in Australia in the 1970s. The first names of the founders were Rod, Gail, and Neil, and voila! a moniker that a pharmaceutical company would later usurp for its hair tonic.

Rogaining on Wikipedia

The rules are simple: Locate as many checkpoints as possible under a time limit, which is 24 hours for Championship rogaines and can be less. Checkpoints are worth varying amounts of points, depending on the navigational complexity and the scenic value of the site. Rogainers travel in teams of 2 to 5—for safety, although individuals are sometimes allowed to compete in shorter-duration rogaines. GPS is almost never allowed; the main navigation aid is a topographic map, sometimes revised with up-to-date corrections.

A rogaine team finishing
Rogaining bears

The sport of rogaining is practiced in over 20 countries, which are mostly either English-speaking or in Eastern Europe. Of these, Australia, Russia, and the United States organize the highest number of 24-hour rogaines. The International Rogaining Federation—still led by nobody other than the founders Neil and Rod (Phillips)—publishes the Rules for the sport and awards the World Rogaining Championships. In the United States, rogaining is governed by Orienteering USA and its Rogaine Committee, which coordinates the national schedule of rogaines.

Rogaines are the core of our offering of navigation-based events. Get Lost!! plans to offer our first 24-hour Championship rogaine in late 2011.

Rogainer and rock

Created: 02 November 2010
Last updated: 12 November 2010

© 2010 Get Lost!! Running, Racing, Inc.