The park on Sunday, 05 December 2010Event-Day Information: Get Lost!! in Henry Coe, 11 December 2010

This event-day bulletin was e-mailed and given to the participants. It complements and elaborates upon the information below.

Weather Update | Parking and Carpools | Aid and Water | Course, Terrain, and Planning | Hazards | Allowed Equipment Addendum

1. Weather Update

Sunday's rain was the last major rain before the event. It will be mostly dry during the week. All trails will be open, barring a major error in the forecast; the park does not anticipate amending or restricting our permit. Temperature will reach mid-60s. Think about sunscreen!

2. Parking Situation

The situation has changed; we don't have access to open the gate at Coyote Creek, unfortunately. There was an oral understanding with the park, and then another group got permission to use the space.

This means carpools. We have about 15 spaces at Coyote Creek, and that's using creativity. So we will only allow vehicles in these spaces that bring 5 or more people. We will also run a shuttle to and from the Hunting Hollow entrance for the remaining participants.

Use this page to plan and faciliate carpools. The page (many thanks to the Kopisch family!!) shows the stated home location of each participant.

View Larger Map

Parking for vehicles that come carrying fewer than 5 people will be at the Hunting Hollow entrance lot. It is on the way to Coyote Creek entrance, the start and finish location. The fee to park there is $6 per vehicle; we will collect this fee. We will set up a shuttle system using both larger vehicles that come not full, and our vans. Be prepared to get the stuff you will need for the event out of your car and on the shuttle.

It is 3.4 km from the parking to the start/finish, a flat, paved walk. It is a $40 (with tip) taxicab ride from Gilroy Transit Center to the Coyote Creek entrance.

Driving directions are the same as advertised before; Hunting Hollow is on the way to Coyote Creek.

3. Aid and Water

Plan for supplying or creating most of your own water!

There will be one water point that is not at an actual checkpoint. It will be out of reach of the 4 hour teams. The amount of water we can get up the hill is limited. Please plan on filling no more than 2 liters per person at this water point; and if most 8 hour teams make it there, there is a chance it'll run dry.

There is ample water in creeks and ponds at Coe, but it must be treated. There are no water fountains/treated water sources/running water at bathrooms. We insistently suggest that all 8 hour teams carry a water purification device, be it a filter or iodine tabs.

There will be hot food at the finish. Remember to carry electrolyte pills if you plan on doing the 8 hours.

4. Course, Terrain, and Planning

Updated course and terrain information and tips:

Vladimir placed many of the controls this weekend. It's wicked out there! The woods are beautiful and open... and STEEP. Vladimir is happy to report going for 1 hour and 42 minutes on a likely 4-hour team course, and not encountering any poison oak higher than the ankle. At what other mapped Bay Area location can one enjoy the trek for this long without such interruption?

Steep is what your strategy will be about. Avoiding steep, that is. Unless you are a deer, it's always faster in this park to go up-and-over or take a trail with some detour; contouring on hillsides is SLOW. More about the terrain...

The part we chose for this rogaine consists of three ridges that run roughly parallel to each other; Steer Ridge, Wasno Ridge, and Willow Ridge. The start is between two of them; and the terrain next to the start is the steepest. The slowest part of the map is the canyon (Grizzly Gulch) that empties just by the start. Its north-facing side is full of poison oak, south-facing side is chaparral, walls are riddled with cliffs, and to go along the stream means climbing over car-size boulders. You really don't want to be in this canyon. Other places you won't want to be in are where contour lines run close to each other... choose a route that will minimize climb and avoid crossing the canyon.

As to wildlife, deer and newts are abundant. Some wild turkeys were spotted. This park doesn't have cows, so ground is soft and unbroken. Grass is low. And, Vladimir is proud to report the successful extraction of a giant tick, almost certainly non-Lyme-carrying but quite a painful bite!

5. Hazards

  • Poison oak is one. We mapped some, but there is more. It's confined to hillsides that face north. Much of the course is free of it.
  • In 2004 when Vladimir and Eric Bone went training at Coe, they're pretty sure they saw a mountain lion; it appeared more scared than the rogainers. The cats are out there. Basic strategy—slow down, make yourself appear as large as you can, wait for the cat to move on. Mountain lion attacks are much rarer than sightings.
  • And, please remember adequate hydration and electrolytes. Consuming enough salt will mean the difference between being sluggish and not thinking clearly, and being sharp and enjoying the experience throughout the whole 8 hours.

The park on Sunday,
                  05 December 20106. Allowed Equipment Addendum

We had mentioned that GPS with detailed displays isn't going to be allowed, but forgot to say anything definite about altimeters and pedometers. International Rules of Rogaining disallow the possession and use of these. However, many teams registered without knowledge of this rule. Consequentially we will allow the use of barometric (non-GPS) altimeters and all pedometers, for example it's OK to have the Garmin display the total distance travelled but not the coordinates. We rely on your honesty. We've also taken index contours and spot heights off the competition map.

For all future rogaines held by Get Lost!!, navaids other than compass and a watch will not be allowed. We may sometimes relax this rule, but not if outisde sanctioning is involved.

Created: 07 December 2010
Last updated: 27 January 2011

© 2010 Get Lost!! Running, Racing, Inc.